First off sorry for not writing anything at all here for such a long time!!! Besides nobody is reading this anyway! Just kidding. I have two readers according to my feedburner!! I wonder if they are some relatives abroad? Hahaha. Anyway, I couldn't blog because I was so busy with my new computer I bought!!!
Well I thought of buying a new computer because my application for a Gold Mastercard was approved and now I said I can buy a computer and sell my old laptop!!!
I was so excited because I'm such a geek for things like those! :) It took me a long while to decide what to buy. Since when I started planning the only quadcore system in the Philippines was Intel but lo and behold within just like two weeks the Phenom reached our shores and I was back to planning and AMD system!!!
So here goes what I bought after the jump!!!
I planned to buy my pieces in two phases because I didn't have all the money I needed and I didn't want to fill up my card too much!!!
So here goes my new computer setup:
Motherboard: MSI K9A2 Platinum
I bought this board because it uses and supports the new AM2+ thingy and it has hypertransport 3, aside from 4 fully functional simultaneous 16x PCI-E ver 2.0 slots which I can use for a 4 card Crossfire setup!!! It also has the customary 4 DIMM DDR2 1024Mhz. Plus 10 channel (7.1+2) High definition audio included!!! Hehehehe and 2x E-Sata ports, 6 internal Sata ports, Firewire (1934a not b but oh well), tons other stuff!!! It's actually a gamer's motherboard! cost P9275++!
Processor: AMD Athlon 64 x2 5000+ (for now) Phenom Quadcore (later)
I couldn't afford the price tag of around P12,000++ for the Phenom so obviously I used a dual core for now! Still good since its rated 5.2/5 in the Vista Ultimate Index
Video Card: Power Color HD (ATI) 2600 PRO 256 (for now) PC HD 2600 XT 256 x2 Crossfire (later)
They didn't have a PC HD 2600 XT available so I guess I'll have to sell my current video card if I'd want to get that crossfire setup I'm thinking of. Not so disappointed but just another thousand bucks would've given me a much better video card! 4.6/5 in Windows Ultimate Index using Windows Aero.
Memory: Kingston 1GB 667Mhz (now) 4GB Kingston 800Mhz (later)
I'd like one or two pieces Kingston 800Mhz 2Gb but they were out of stock!!! I like the brand Kingston because I was able to replace a faulty memory dimm from them before and thus their lifetime warranty ACTUALLY WORKS!!!!! I recommend Kingston to EVERYBODY!
4.5/5 Windows Vista Ultimate Index (WVUI)
Harddisk: SATA Western Digital 500GB
Well I wanted Seagate but they were fresh out of 500GB, oh well I still have another 5 internal + 2 External Sata ports to fill up!!! 5.7/5 WVUI
I bought an F1 Racer Casing since it looks smooth, minimal and cool! I also got a Logitech cordless USB keyboard and mouse!
I used my old old old AOC 17" CRT Monitor and will replace it with a HannsG or is it Hannspree 22" HDMI HDCP LCD Monitor when I actually get money from selling my old laptop! :P
I spent all in all around PHP 30,000.00 and I got a 4.5/5 rated WVUI computer!!! Not bad I guess since I'm really stoked I have a new powerful PC! :)
Oh and if your going to ask, I bought my parts at PC Gilmore (motherboard) , PCX (everything except memory and motherboard), and that shop where they speak Bisaya! :P Something like PC Gaisano (memory) or something!
My reviews for them are: PC Gilmore is like well over priced and they have illegal surcharge on credit purchases (Memorandum Order No. 10 DTI Series 2006), but they have relatively fast good service and you can find items there that PCX is out of stock of.
PCX rules still for me, because its cheap, and their credit card prices are the same as advertised on their price lists! They give a P150 per item fee for installing items bought from other stores to a computer they assemble from parts from their store.
PC Gaisano (?) is nice because I felt like supporting that Bisaya speaking store. Also because everybody was out of Kingston memory while their store was jampacked stack over stack full of Kingston Modules, but no 800mhz..... :)
Write more later!!!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
My New PC!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Unofficial UP Centennial Survey!
I was reading my sisters blog and I saw this survey about student who were alumnus of the premier university of the Philippines, and so I thought of answering it too!
See my answer after the jump!
1. Student number?*01-20325
2. College?*College of Architecture
3. Course?*B.S. Architecture
4. Nag-shift ka ba o na-kickout?*my first choice
5. Saan ka kumuha ng UPCAT?*Math Building (Oh dreadful!)
6. Favorite GE subject?*Anthro, Philo, COM 2, P.I.100
7. Favorite PE?*Rifle Marksmanship, Swimming (eeek the pool is dirty but swimming was so easy for me!)
8. Saan ka nag-aabang ng hot girls/guys sa UP?*Uhm... nope I don't really do that!
9. Favorite prof(s)? Hmmmmm...... Thats hard a lot! Prof. Ruby de Leon; Prof. Grace Ramos, Prog. Mata; Prof. omg too many to mention! (ARCH THESIS)
10. Pinaka-ayaw na GE subject.*Geography, it was supposed to be fun and I pulled my batchmate Nikki to take it with me but actually it SUCKED huhuhuhu :'( Good thing the teacher was very lenient on me (and my batchmate.. we were kinda pa-absent absent!)
11. Kumuha ka ba ng Wed or Sat classes?*unfortunately yes! PE and those other Architecture subjects too bad!
12. Nakapag-field trip ka ba?*All over Northern Luzon for an History of Filipino Architecture course (Benguet, Vigan, Ilocos Norte and Ilocos Sur, so many places allover northern luzon!) Batangas in my skin diving class! Omg what an obnoxious professor I had!
13. Naging CS ka na ba or US sa UP?*Yup!!! Officially I have only 1 or 2 but I checked my grades I think I should have 4!!!! :) WAHAHAHAHAHA!
14. Ano ang Org/Frat/Soro mo?*U.P. Post & Lintel, ASAPHIL-U.P., U.P. LAYA, U.P. Deutscher Verein
15. Saan ka tumatambay palagi?*U.P. Post & Lintel, and at the Library to sleep (aircon!)
16. Dorm, Boarding house, o Bahay?*House
17. Kung walang UPCAT test at malaya kang nakapili ng kurso mo sa UP, ano yun (Given ang mentality mo nung HS ka)?*Physics, Economics; although I passed Econ and I could've passed Physics if I took it.... I just wanted Science and Arts together :)
18. Sino ang pinaka-una mong nakilala sa UP?*Thats hard I've been in UP since kinder so when I was in highschool I knew a few UP College people already... a.k.a my upperbatch-ed (such a word?) sisters' friends.
19. First play na napanood mo sa UP?*Eeeeeek..... I've been in UP since kinder... seen so many already no idea!
20. Name the 5 most conyo orgs in UP:*JMA, U.P. Post & Lintel, U.P. uhm that Chinese Filipino org at that garden area going to FC from AS near that exit at BIO??? My friends Kimberly, Jax, and Jonathan were from there... so conyo hahaha
21. Name 5 of the coolest orgs/frats/soro in UP.*UP Post & Lintel, UP IE, Upsilon, UP JMA
22. May frat/soro bang nag-recruit sa yo?*Yes
23. Saan ka madalas mag-lunch?*Wherever my friends had lunch!
24. Masaya ba sa UP?*Yesssssss!
25. Nakasama ka na ba sa rally?*yes rally around campus lang! hahaha
26. Ilang beses ka bumoto sa Student Council*Every time it happened!!
27. Name at least 5 leftist groups in UP*UP Makabayan (such an org?) UP omg that org I hate most because they are so noisy.. um UP..... UM.......UHM.....i forget wow how forgetful they are, all noise nothing really happened with them.
28. Pinangarap mo rin bang mag-laude nung freshman ka?*yes!!!! but oh well I'm not an Alien after all!
29. Kanino ka pinaka-patay sa UP?*omg I almost read it as who almost killed you in UP that was creepy.....
30. Kung di ka UP, anong school ka?*Took ACET aside from UP passed both... well I'd go for UA&P near the house and so convenient! :P
Sunday, February 10, 2008
ok so i don't have anything interesting to say. i'm just here to try how this thing works out. i rarely have time to type up anything for these blogs because i spend half my life in a small workstation in a giant ref in the building where it has a large M on it. M for Monster. haha. then i run off to my class or if i don't have class its the gym i head to so that my butt doesn't continue to expand. sigh. whatever. exciting, huh? yeah, i didn't think so either. haha.
this part will be cut for the read more link
The Top 10 Earning African Americans
She is also the worlds first black billionaire, and only black billionaire in 2004-05-06. In 2007 she also topped the list as the America's richest self-made woman. She is worth $2.6B or almost equivalent to the gold and foreign currency reserves of Greece.
5. Kobe Bryant $33M
6. Shaquille O'Neal $32M
7. Michael Jordan $31M (yes he's still earning! Nike Jordans are still a $500M business!)
8. Will Smith $31M
9. Beyonce $27M
10. LeBron James $27M
My Little Garden
Click Here to Read More..
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Filipino Jokes
I got this from my Email, and so if your Filipino (or a high joke IQ) you will totally get this joke!
An office manager at Wal-Mart was given the task of hiring an individual to fill a job opening. After sorting through a stackof resumes he found four people who were equally qualified --an American, a Russian, an Australian and a Filipino.He decided to call the four in and ask them only one question.Their answers would determine who among them would get the job.The day came and as the four sat around the conference room table theinterviewer asked, "What is the fastest that thing you know?"Steve, the American, replied, "A THOUGHT. It comes without any warning;It just pops into your head. A thought is the fastest thing that I know..""That's very good!" replied the interviewer.
"And now you sir?" he asked Vladimir, the Russian. "Hmm.... let me see. A blink! It comes and goes without you knowing that it ever happens. A BLINK is the fastest thing I know." "Excellent!" said the interviewer. "The blink of an eye, that's a verypopular cliché for speed."
He then turned to George, the Australian who was contemplating his reply."Well, out at my dad's ranch, you step out of the house and on the wall there's a light switch. When you flip that switch, the light in the barn comes on way out across the pasture. Yep, TURNING ON A LIGHT is the fastestthing I can think of."The interviewer was very impressed with the third answer and thought he had found his man. "It's hard to beat the speed of light," he said.
Turning to Eleuterio, the Filipino, the fourth and final man, the interviewer posed the same question. Eleuterio replied, "Apter herring da 3 preybyus ansers sir, et's obyusto me dat the fastest thing is Diarrhea.""WHAT!?" said the interviewer, stunned by the response. The others were already giggling in their seats..."Oh, I can expleyn sir," said Eleuterio. "You see, sir, da ader day my istumach was peeling bad and so I run so fast to the bathroom, but bepore I could THINK, BLINK, or TURN ON THE LIGHT, sir, I had alreydi shet in my pants!"Eleuterio is now the new "Greeter" at Wal-Mart.
Celebrity Birthdays
ABC News anchor Ted Koppel 68
Actor Nick Nolte 67
Comedian Robert Klein 66
Country singer Dan Seals 60
Actress Brooke Adams 59
Actress Mary Steenburgen 55
Author John Grisham 53
Singer Vince Neil of Motley Crue 47
Singer-guitarist Sammy Llanas of The BoDeans 47
Actor Gary Coleman 40
Actress Mary McCormack 39
Actor Seth Green (Austin Powers,Buffy The Vampire Slayer ) 34
Bassist Phoenix of Linkin Park 31
Actress Karle Warren (Judging Amy ) 16
I love John Williams, he created all the beautiful and enchanting music of Star Wars! In my eyes he is a Legend! Happy Happy Birthday everyone and especially John Williams for making my most favourite movie ever come alive!!
Posted by
3:19 AM
tags: celebrity birthdays
Monday, February 4, 2008
A New Philippine Congress!
I am a supporter Gloria, and this thing that happened seems to be a good thing. At least now with a Mindanao Speaker of the House, the funds that Pres. Gloria was able to produce using her great skill of making this economy produce money at last, a good part will hopefully go to Mindanao. Just imagine if we could finally bring Mindanao to the level of productivity Luzon has - something like Laguna.
Anyway, I hope De Venecia finds a way to be productive and Gloria and the Congress do their best untill 2010 when the Philippines votes for a new president!
Click Here to Read More..
Posted by
9:12 AM
tags: Philippine Congress
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Does this mean we can have Heroes back?
According to USA Today, in their online article "Writers' strike breakthrough reported":
A breakthrough in contract talks has been reached between Hollywood studios and striking writers and could lead to a tentative deal as early as next week, a person close to the ongoing negotiations said Saturday.
Does this mean we can finally have Heroes back? I mean, I really miss watching it and I'm dying to know whats going to happen!
The studios have been insisting that programs be streamed online for a certain period, deemed promotional, during which writers would forego residuals. When payment kicked in, the companies sought to limit it to a flat $1,200 fee, while the guild wanted a percentage of a distributor's revenue.
Give them their money already! Without them your shows will stop! But of course they should have limits too, $1,200 is a lot already :) So everybody is happy!A little more after the jump!
The guild extended its own olive branch before the informal talks started by withdrawing the reality-animation unionization proposal and by deciding to keep pickets away from the Grammy Awards. It has since decided to allow the music ceremony to proceed with full union support.
They already ruined that other one,.... what was the name. Better not ruin the rest people will hate 'em for that! :P I mean if not those people in America people outside, we actually like watching those filthy rich American celebrities hang out together and receive awards and stuff!
However, the fate of the Feb. 24 Academy Awards has remained in question, with the guild so far declining to grant its blessing to the show. A union refusal to cooperate with the Golden Globes decimated the ceremony, which was boycotted by supportive actors.
Okay.... so can we have Heroes back on TV now?!
Click Here to Read More..
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Saint Feast Day
Feast days of more Saints for today after the jump.
All the links go to their respective pages at
St. Joan de Lestonnac
St. Adalbald of Ostrevant
St. Adeloga
St. Apronian
St. Theodoric
St. Cornelius
Ebsdorf Martyrs
St. Feock
St. Flosculus
St. Fortunatus
St. Jeanne de Lestonnac
St. Lawrence of Canterbury
Martyrs of Ebsdorf
Celebrity Birthdays
Celebrity Birthdays for February 1
Actor Stuart Whitman (80)
Actor-comedian Garrett Morris (71)
Singer Don Everly of The Everly Brothers (71)
Singer Ray Sawyer of Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show (71)
Actor Sherman Hemsley (70)
Jazz pianist Joe Sample (69)
Bluegrass singer Del McCoury (69)
Actor-writer-director Terry Jones (Monty Python) (66)
Guitarist Mike Campbell of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers (54)
Country keyboardist Dwayne Dupuy of Ricochet (43)
Actress Sherilyn Fenn (43)
Singer Lisa Marie Presley (40
Comedian Pauly Shore (40)
Drummer Patrick Wilson of Weezer (39)
Actor Michael C. Hall (Dexter,Six Feet Under ) (37)
Rapper Big Boi of Outkast (33)
Posted by
7:08 AM
tags: celebrity birthdays
It was a funny day today! In the morning after going to the dentist I went with my mom to return my defective JBL Invader 4.1 speakers at Electroworld Greenbelt 1, after that I dropped off my mom at Medical City for her regular checkup, then went to pick up my sister at our house and then we went on our way to get my mom from the hospital. When we were at the lobby drop-off area my sister starts laughing so much because when my mom appeared she was wearing almost the same thing as her! And I didn't even remember what my mom was wearing! :P
I took a pic of us at Megamall because we went to a food trade show! :) Yummy! I drank carabao milk! SO GOOD!
I also went to look around Megamall and there was NO JBL Invader 4.1 at all!!! Can you imagine that? Thats terrible. I'll be checking Robinsons tomorrow after or before hearing mass :)
My sister told me to picture this because it was funny. :)
Well I think she found it funny! :)